Experimental places

Experimental places

INRAE's effort in terms of experiments specifically dedicated to organic farming (OF) is substantial. In 2021, organic farming was present in more than a quarter of the experimental facilities, i.e. 18 sites covering the main animal and plant productions: mixed crop and animal husbandry, cattle, sheep, poultry and pig farming, field crops, market gardening, viticulture and arboriculture.

The objectives of these experiments in OF are four types:

  1. identify and control the biotechnical processes at work in production systems in organic farming
  2. design of innovative systems and analyse of their functioning
  3. evaluate the performance of these systems, most often in comparison to other production systems, conventional and low input, on the basis of multi-criteria analysis (technical-economic, environmental performance, product quality, animal welfare, etc. ..)
  4. discuss with training, development and farmers on the results and know-how developed on the experimental site.


This map introduce places, certified in organic farming or respecting OF specifications in 2024.

Carte UE INRAE 2024 web_allegee_fond_blanc