INDIABIO - Exploratory project (2020 - 2023)

INDIABIO - Meta-transition toward organic agriculture in two Indian states, Andhra Pradesh and Sikkim

For almost a decade now, in contrast to the dominant conventional model spawned by the green revolution, two Indian states launched a wide-ranging reform of their agricultural system: Sikkim was entirely converted to organic agriculture, and in Andhra Pradesh, Natural Farming now counts more than 600,000 farmers.


These unprecedented transitions are still poorly documented, whereas they could shed light on issues related to technical changes, governance at different scales and work and job creation, which are also crucial in other contexts. The aim of the IndiaBio exploratory project is to carry out an initial characterization of these transitions in two Indian states, which will serve as a basis for a more ambitious project that will compare several regions of the world.


© © INRAE / R. Le Bastard

The team brings together many disciplines: animal sciences, agronomy, comparative agriculture, environmental sciences,
economics, political sciences.
The project combines several scales of analysis (the farm, the village/ territory, the state) and revolves around five tasks:

• technical characterization and assessment of the relevance of transition from the farmers’ perspective;
• analysis of the evolution of the flows of matter and energy induced by the transition at the territorial scale;
• multi-scale analysis of transition governance (stakeholders involved, means of interaction, formal and informal rules to develop technical solutions and create new markets);
• bioeconomic modeling (GDP, land use, diets, etc.) of a full state-wide transition;
• comparison of transitions and dissemination of results.



  • SELMET, Montpellier
  • MOISA, Montpellier
  • SAS, Rennes
  • LISIS, Marne-la-Vallée


ENSFEA, France

Cirad / CSH, Inde

See also

Papers for a conference/seminar, posters

  • Bainville S., Aubron C., Philippon O., Dervillé M. Agroecology in india: transition or default choice? Indo-French Seminar « Sustainability Transitions in Agri-Food Systems: Evidence and Actions for India and France », CEFIPRA, 19th March 2024, IIT Roorkee, India. → Slideshow
  • Aubron C., Hemingway C., Philippon O., Ruiz L., Vigne M. (2024). Socio-metabolism approaches and their relevance for analysing agricultural transitions. Indo-French Seminar « Sustainability Transitions in Agri-Food Systems: Evidence and Actions for India and France », CEFIPRA, 19th March 2024, IIT Roorkee, India. → Slideshow
  • Dervillé M., Raina R. (2024). Sustainability Transitions in Agri-food Systems: Prevalent policy frameworks and instruments in France and India. Indo-French Seminar « Sustainability Transitions in Agri-Food Systems: Evidence and Actions for India and France », CEFIPRA, 19th March 2024. IIT Roorkee, India. → Abstract

Reports and reviews