ECOSYAT - Exploratory project (2020 - 2022)

ECOSYAT - Concepts and learning initiatives focused on ecologisation at the scale of territorial agri-food systems

Territorial actions aimed at relocating food supply and/or promoting more sustainable forms of agriculture are on the rise. Despite this general enthusiasm, the real diversity of visions at play is often left in the background.


The hypothesis explored in this project is that agroecological transitions at the scale of territorial agri-food systems presupposes a collective learning process of the mechanisms of transition, which must involve identifying and sharing the different visions of the actors in this system. The transition path must be built not only with the actors who implement or accompany the transitions, but also with the socio-economic stakeholders and citizens affected and concerned.


© © INRAE / S Penvern

This project mobilized an interdisciplinary team (sociology, ethnology, ecology, geography, agronomy, planning) in five rural and urban study areas, contrasted both in terms of the place organic agriculture occupies and the type of territorial dynamics at work: Sud Ardèche, Plaine des Vosges, Plaine de Valence, Mouans-Sartoux and Vallée de la Drôme.

The results revolve around four points:

  • A tool for clarifying different visions of “ecologisation” was developed and tested with researchers, students and committed stakeholders.
  • OA has shown itself to occupy a special place in territorial transitions: it may appear as an "outdated" model in the face of ecological transition challenges, but more often than not remains at the heart of transition projects, and is itself the subject of a diversity of visions.
  • The comparison of case studies has shown the importance of institutional framing, as well as of framing effects linked to the leading actors and structures of transition projects and of the methods favored by the actors involved in these projects (consultants, facilitators, etc.).
  • Modes of governance and of stakeholder mobilization are decisive in opening up or, on the contrary, channeling debate on transition paths, depending on whether they promote or prevent the sharing of visions.

During a final seminar, these analyses and discussions with stakeholders from the different territories studied led to the drafting of a set of principles to help supporting actors take the diversity of visions presented into account.



INRAE units

  • AGIR, Toulouse
  • ASTER, Mirecourt
  • CESAER, Dijon
  • Ecodeveloppement, Avignon
  • LESSEM, Grenoble
  • MOISA, Montpellier
  • SADAPT, Grignon
  • UERI, Gotheron


  • Independent sociologists, France
  • University of Grenoble, France ITAB, France


See also


  • Lamine C., Pugliese P., Barataud F., Berti G., Rossi A. (2023). Italian biodistricts and French territorial food projects: how science-policy-experience interplays shape the framings of transitions towards sustainable territorial food systems. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, 2023, Vol. 7. →
  • Penvern S., Lamine C., Derbez F., Ollivier G., Renier L., Roche R., Tuscano M. (2023). Addressing the diversity of visions of ecologization in research and in support to agroecological transitions. Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems, 2023, Vol. 47, issue 9, p. 1403. →
  • Magda D., Lamine C., Billaud J-P. (2021). Considering the Diverse Views of Ecologisation in the Agrifood Transition: An Analysis Based on Human Relationships with Nature. Environmental Values, White Horse Press, 2021, 24 pages → hal-03560626
  • Hubeau M., Tuscano M., Barataud F., Pugliese P. (2021). Agroecological transitions, between determinist and open-ended visions, « Agro-ecological transitions at the scale of territorial agri-food systems ». EcoPolis, Vol. 37. Peter Lang. →

Papers for a conference/seminar, posters

  • Barataud F., Lamine C., Magda D. (2023). Taking in account the diversity of ecologisation visions in facilitating process of agri-food systems transitions. IX Congreso internacional de agroecologica. Sevilla, 19th - 21st January 2023. → Slideshow