réunion chercheurs et agriculteurs dans un champ
INCUBIOBREEDING - Consortium (2023 - 2024)

INCUBIOBREEDING - Incubation for Organic, Open, Transdisciplinary and Participatory Plant Breeding Projects

The hypothesis of the massive development of organic agricul-ture is renewing the stakes concerning varieties, seeds and seedlings, and calling into question multi-disciplinary and par-ticipatory research on new fronts of science.


The hypothesis of the massive development of organic agricul-ture is renewing the stakes concerning varieties, seeds and seedlings, and calling into question multi-disciplinary and par-ticipatory research on new fronts of science such as:

  • varietal ideotypes for the different OA production, processing and marketing sectors;
  • species and associations of species for greater diversification from the farm to the fork;
  • digestive efficiency of new food resources for animal and human consumption;
  • the effects of plant defense metabolites on product quality and transformation processes;
  • breeding organization.

SThe consortium also addresses issues related to:

  • breeding methods, the impact on genetic resource management, and the underlying economic models;
  • the involvement of citizens in breeding programs; the role of public authorities;
  • the legal aspects of plant breeding;
  • the tension between greening and technologization;
  • etc.



réunion chercheurs et agriculteurs dans un champ
© © Buy van Minh

Anticipating, formalizing and prioritizing research questions requires the strong mobilization of multi-disciplinary and mul-ti-partner collectives within the framework of highly participa-tive approaches open to a diversity of stakeholders. 

To achieve this objective, the project proposes a combination of innovative actions:

  • monthly "café" videoconferences, bringing together actors from the research, agricultural education and third research sectors, and the general public;
  • a mentoring system for novice researchers/engineers/teachers by resource persons;
  • residencies (similar to artists' residencies) open to academic and non-academic partners, to encourage the incubation and development of research projects;
  • development of information media on OA to promote knowledge-sharing



INRAE units

  • All of the interested INRAE departments and centers.


  • Eco-PB
  • EOCC (European Organic Certifiers Council)
  • FIBL
  • INAO
  • ITAB
  • Master chefs
  • open to others


See also

If you would like to get involved in the consortium, please fill in a form on the consortium map, which will inform the coordinator directly of your interest.



Modification date: 01 August 2024 | Publication date: 24 April 2023 | By: AV