ORIGAMI - Consortium (2021 - 2022)

ORIGAMI - Organic pig farming: a contributor to the development of organic agriculture?

Whereas the demand for organic products is increasing, the development of organic pig production in Europe is slow compared to other animal and plant sectors. This project explores the hypothesis according to which pig farming could contribute to the development of organic agriculture by bolstering the optimization of processes and closing cycles at different levels of organization, from the animal to the territory. For example, the pig, in its capacity as an omnivore, is capable of recycling co-products that could not be recycled otherwise, and the fertilizing potential of its waste is of interest for soil and crop production. The obstacles to the development of organic pig farming have been well identified. On the other hand, the links between the different levels of organization require further study.


The development of organic pig production in Europe is slow compared to other animal and plant sectors. 
The consortium's objectives were to identify the obstacles and levers to the development of organic pig farming by comparing the viewpoints of researchers from a dozen disciplines and some 20 stakeholders.


Photo porc

A total of 164 obstacles and 231 levers were identified. They were grouped into five themes, characterized by the level of organization (from the animal to the sector and to the territory) and the link in the-food chain value (from upstream to the consumer) concerned, providing a basis for reflection for the construction of cross-disciplinary projects:

  1. The management of animals and farms, with the aim of establishing tools and reference production practices that meet the constraints of the OA regulatory framework.
  2. Product outlets and development, where the potential levers are to plan production according to downstream needs and to control production costs.
  3. The diversity and complementarity of activities that focus on the relationships between levels of organization and between links, as well as on the territorialization of the sector.
  4. The development of training activities and different forms of support for existing and future farmers.
  5. Dialogue with society to improve the image of agricultural production and to explain how product prices are determined.

A primer1 summarizing the specific features of organic pork, aimed primarily at clarifying the purchasing and consumption habits of young adults, was created by students as part of a research-training-innovation approach.




INRAE units

  • AFPA (INRAE Nancy)
  • AGIR (INRAE Toulouse)
  • ASTER (INRAE Mirecourt)
  • BAGAP (INRAE Rennes-Angers)
  • BIOEPAR (INRAE Nantes)
  • GABI (INRAE Jouy-en-Josas)
  • GENESI (INRAE Rouillé)
  • GENPHYSE (INRAE Toulouse)
  • GRETHA (INRAE Bordeaux)
  • IHAP (INRAE Toulouse)
  • INNOVATION (INRAE Montpellier)
  • LRDE (INRAE Corte)
  • PEGASE (INRAE Rennes)
  • PRC (INRAE Tours)
  • SAS (INRAE Rennes)
  • SADAPT (INRAE Grignon)
  • SELMET (INRAE Montpellier)
  • TOXALIM (INRAE Toulouse)
  • URZ (INRAE Petit-Bourg)


  • IFIP
  • ADIV
  • ITAB



See also

Papers for a conference/seminar, posters

  • Montagne L., Faure J., Durpoix A., Puech T. (2022). Barriers and levers for the development of organic pig farming in France. 73th EAAP ANNUAL MEETING, 5th - 9th September 2022, Porto, Portugal.  → hal-03774855