Photo Synbiose
SYNBIOSE - Exploratory project (2023 - 2024)

SYNBIOSE - Syntropy, biodynamics, epistemological syncretism: the coexistence of alternative paradigms within OA

Within OA, biodynamics and syntropy have generated a certain amount of interest in the field, either via adherence or as a source of inspiration, but have been little studied.


Biodynamics is based on three main principles: (i) the perception of the farm as a living organism; (ii) cosmic rhythms; and (iii) the use of biodynamic preparations. Syntropy, based on a philosophy in which man and nature are interdependent, is a form of agroforestry that, from a technical point of view, combines abundant organic matter, tree pruning and an appropriate mix of plants.

The aim of the SYNBIOSE project is to precisely characterize the practices and paradigms associated with these two radical forms of agroecology within OA, in the same way as other practices. The aim is to assess their impact on system performance, and to study the exchanges and hybridization between the different forms of knowledge in practice (epistemological syncretism).


Actions will be based on:

Chevres au paturage
© © BiodynamieRecherche
  • surveys of farm-level practices, values and world views of biodynamic and syntropic farmers;
  • interviews focused (1) on the relationship with animals and breeding practices for biodynamic farming; and (2) on the micro-climate, work and resilience for the syntropic agriculture;
  • a participatory observation approach during training sessions and meetings of members of an existing farm network.

The aim of this project is to complete our knowledge of these minority systems, which are poorly documented scientifically, and then to produce critical educational content based on these results.

The SYNBIOSE project calls for transdisciplinary approaches that combine the human sciences, the natural sciences and the knowledge of stakeholders. The collective brings together a diversity of know-how required for such approaches (agronomy, animal sciences, anthropology, ergonomics, sociology, ecology, etc.), and an integrative methodology adapted to dialogue between and across disciplines.


INRAE units

  • Territoires, Clermont-Ferrand
  • Herbivores, Clermont-Ferrand
  • GDEC, Clermont-Ferrand
  • Département ACT


  • AgroParisTech
  • Biodynamie recherche
  • Collective “Tous chercheurs”
  • Origens Medialab
  • VetAgroSup Clermont
  • Reso’them DGER
  • Reneta network


Modification date: 21 June 2024 | Publication date: 05 May 2023 | By: AV