Bandeau thèse
Audrey Bailly

Audrey Bailly (USC CEBC) - 2022-2025

The role of organic farming in maintaining bird populations in agroecosystems: a case study in the Zone Atelier Plaine & Val de Sèvre (ABBird)

The LD50 (the dose that causes death in 50% of the group con-sidered). 

The aim of this thesis project is to quantify the effects of expo-sure of passerines to pesticides in micro-territories (1 km²) or-dered according to an increasing proportion of organic farming parcels (from 0% to > 90%) in the Zone Atelier Plaine & Val de Sèvre. The aim is to establish links between the type and inten-sity of synthetic pesticide use (absent in organic farming) and the exposure of birds in their habitat (hedges, gardens) and through their diet (insects, seeds). The impact of exposure on their state of health will then be studied. 

Using passerines as an indicator, the results will make it pos-sible to assess the risks of exposure for human populations that share the same environments as the birds studied, and thus gain a better understanding of the benefits of organic farming on overall regional health.


Karine Monceau (La Rochelle Université, USC CEBC)
Jérôme Moreau (Université de Bourgogne, USC CEBC)


Modification date: 27 June 2024 | Publication date: 07 July 2023 | By: Com