TYPOBIO - "Coup de pouce" project (2021 - 2022)

Agence Bio database: typology of French organic farms and procedure for making data available to INRAE researchers

Organic farming (OF) has undergone considerable growth over the past 10 years. With a threefold increase in the number of organic farms between 2010 and 2020, i.e., almost 12% of French farms, OF has become a significant part of the agricultural landscape. However, the structural and functional specificity of farms committed to OF remains poorly taken into account in agricultural data collection and analysis systems, and even less so in terms of the development and evolution of organic farms.


As part of its activities as a national observatory, the Agence BIO has set up a comprehensive database of French organic farms, known as the ONAB database, which is updated every year. In particular, ONAB contains information on the production structure of farms under OF or in the process of conversion to OF in terms of cultivated area and animal number per producer.

The aim of this project is to analyze the ONAB database and to develop computer tools to facilitate the use and processing of the data by INRAE researchers.

The project consists in: 

  • Defining an automated procedure to generate an organized corpus of data that can be easily used and updated. 
  • Producing a typology of organic farms that will provide a geolocalized, multi-year description of the diversity of production on farms nationwide. Several approaches will be tested and compared.  



© © Agence BIO

The results of the analysis of the ONAB database will provide INRAE researchers, the Agence BIO and, more broadly, related sectoral organizations with a better understanding of the dynamics of production and development of organic farms at the national level. At the end of the project, a seminar will be organized to inform funding partners and INRAE researchers about the potential uses of the ONAB database.



  • SMART, Rennes
  • Herbivores, Theix
  • ODR, Toulouse 


  • Agence BIO, France
  • ITAB, France