Connecting organic fruit and vegetable processing in a “dynamic” continuum between agricultural production and consumption

CONSORTIUM TRANS-BIO-CONNECT (2020-2022) <br> The current processing model makes it possible to partially satisfy the growing consumer demand for organic products. It was designed by imposing a reduction of the variability of raw agricultural materials that does not respond to the specificities of organic agriculture (OA) or of the “notions” of biodiversity, seasonality, naturality and respect for the product in its entirety that are associated with it.


The aim of the consortium is to study the organic fruit and vegetable sectors and to explore the reconnection possibilities for different processes, products and consumption in order to develop healthier and more sustainable agri-food systems.

The approach brings together the expertise, diagnostics and co-design necessary to identify:

  • services that could be provided by processing, e.g., maintaining
    biodiversity or optimizing the management of coproducts;
  • obstacles and levers to be implemented to facilitate these services;
  • research issues to eliminate these obstacles and to develop levers.


The disciplines mobilized include ecophysiology, agronomy, microbial ecology, the food sciences, nutrition, nutritional epidemiology, process engineering, ergonomics, the management and design sciences,
economics, sociology and the consumer sciences. This assessment and the partnerships established will be the foundation for the construction of research and research-development projects at the national and international scales.


  • impliquées AGRONOMIE,
  • Grignon ALISS, Ivry-sur-Seine BIA
  • Avignon EREN
  • Bobigny GAEL
  • Grenoble Réseau IDEAS ITAP
  • Grignon
  • Grenoble Réseau IDEAS ITAP
  • Montpellier LISIS
  • Marne-la-Vallée MOISA,
  • Montpellier PECH ROUGE, Gruissan PSH
  • Avignon SQPOV
  • Avignon SAYFOOD
  • Grignon SADAPT


  • ITAB
  • IFPC
  • PACA
  • GRAB