INNOV'CO - Exploratory project (2023 - 2025)

INNOV'CO - Coupled innovations between agriculture, processing and collective catering for organic and sustainable agri-food systems

To accelerate the transition toward sustainable agri-food systems, the Egalim law requires that collective catering purchases at least 50% of sustainable products, including at least 20% of organic products. To meet these targets, canteens and stakeholders in the food sector have had to and will have to innovate together.


The aim of the Innov'Co project is to study how innovations, designed simultaneously in the agricultural, processing and collective catering sectors, emerged and jointly contribute to the agroecological transition of agricultural and food systems.

The project aims to produce:

  • a method to identify and analyze coupled innovation processes between agriculture, processing and collective catering;
  • knowledge-sharing tools to support the design of coupled innovations in the collective catering sector;
  • a simple multi-criteria assessment tool for coupled innovations, including their contribution to the sustainability of food systems.


To achieve these objectives, the project will combine different approaches:

Photo d'un stand au forum manger bio et local du 64 en 2022
© © INRAE / M. Leclère
  • tracking down coupled innovations from a variety of stakeholders (farmers, processors, cooks, elected representatives) from different regions, with the aim of (i) describing the new practices implemented; (ii) formalizing the relevant assessment criteria from their points of view; and (iii) identifying the success and failure factors in the design and implementation of these coupled innovations;
  • co-design of a prototype tool for evaluating coupled innovations;
  • a participatory approach to identify the knowledge that could feed into the process of designing coupled innovations between agriculture, processing and collective catering.

The project will mobilize know-how in agronomy and in food sciences for innovations in the area of processing, as well as in the design and sustainability sciences.


INRAE units

  • Agronomy, Palaiseau
  • Sayfood, Palaiseau


  • Ecocert
  • UnPlusBio