All our actions

All our actions

Actions started in 2024

Action nameAction typeDatesProject sponsor(s) 
(Research unit, scientific department, INRAE regional centre)
MAKIBIO - Evaluation of the Multiperformance of Karukéra Organic Agroecosystems as a Function of Crop/Livestock Integration and BiodiversityPathway with exploratory project2024-2025Nathalie Mandonnet
(Asset unit, GA, Antilles-Guyane)
METHAB - The role of methanisation in the development of legumes for nitrogen autonomy in organic farmingPathway with exploratory project2024-2025Fabrice Beline
(SAS unit, Phase, Bretagne-Normandie)
SELBIODOM 2.0 - Scenarios for the development of organic livestock farming in DROM 2.0Pathway with exploratory project2024-2025Audrey Fanchone
(Asset unit, GA, Antilles-Guyane)
STAPLE INNOV - The role of tropical starch crops in organic farming and agroecological systems: Adaptation to environments and product qualityPathway with exploratory project2024-2026Dominique Rinaldo
(Astro unit, Transform, Antilles-Guyane)
CO-CULTURES - Agroecological co-innovation for sustainable food production in gardens and market gardensPathway without exploratory project2024-2025

Mathieu Hanemian
(Lipme unit, SPE, Occitanie-Toulouse)

Camille Dumat
(Dynafor unit, Ecodiv, Occitanie-Toulouse)

DIVANIM - Impact of animal diversification on the health and performance of AB animals and herdsPathway without exploratory project2024-2025Charline Niort 
(Genesi experimental unit, GA, Nouvelle-Aquitaine-Poitiers)
REGALDOM - What contribution can local animal genetic resources make to the development of organic mixed farming systems in the French overseas departments?Pathway without exploratory project2024-2025

Michel Naves
(Asset unit, GA, Antilles-Guyane)

Anne Lauvie 
(Selmet unit, ACT, Occitanie-Montpellier)

Metrics and indicators for agroecological transitions: a real-time approach to "transformation"Thesis 

Alejandra Jiménez Torres 
(Lisis unit, IdF-Versailles)

Supervised by Mireille Matt et Allison Loconto

Equine traction in market gardening: trajectories, practices and impact on the environmentThesis 

Fabienne Boivin
(Ecodéveloppement unit, ACT, PACA)

Supervised by Annette Bérard, Claire Lamine et Mireille Navarrete

Actions started in 2023

Action nameAction typeDatesProject sponsor(s) 
(Research unit, scientific department, INRAE regional centre)
DIS-BIO - Would social and spatial incentives be sufficient to trigger the conversion to and maintenance of organic agriculture?Exploratory project2023-2024Anne Stenger, (Beta unit, Ecosocio, Grand Est-Nancy)
INNOV'CO - Coupled innovations between agriculture, processing and collective catering for organic and sustainable agri-food systemsExploratory project2023-2024

Marie-Hélène Jeuffroy
(Agronomy unit, Agroecosystems, IdF-Versailles-Grignon)

Margot Leclère
(Agronomy unit, Agroecosystems, IdF-Versailles-Grignon)

INTAB - Drivers of biogeochemical and energy flows circularity in OA: exploring three types of organic regional synergy Exploratory project2023-2024

Souhil Harchaoui
(SAS unit, Agroecosystems, Bretagne-Normandie)

Fabrice Beline
(SAS unit, Phase, Bretagne-Normandie)

Aurélie Wilfart
(SAS unit, Agroecosystems, Bretagne-Normandie)

ISOBIO - Exploring the isotopic certification tool for organic productsExploratory project2023-2024Guillaume Tcherkez
(IRHS unit, BAP, Pays de la Loire)
SYNBIOSE - Syntropy, biodynamics, epistemological syncretism: the coexistence of alternative paradigms within OAExploratory project2023-2024

Cyrille Rigolot
(Territoires unit, ACT, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes)

Audrey Michaud
(Herbivores unit, Phase, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes)

VINOBIO - Experimental markets for organic wines and product innovationsExploratory project2023-2024

Stéphanie Pérès,
(BSE unit, Ecosocio, Nouvelle-Aquitaine-Bordeaux)

Eric Giraud-Heraud,
(BSE unit, Ecosocio, Nouvelle-Aquitaine-Bordeaux)

INCUBIOBREEDING - Incubation for Organic, Open, Transdisciplinary and Participatory Plant Breeding ProjectsConsortium2023-2024Dominique Desclaux
(Diascope experimental unit, BAP, Occitanie-Montpellier)
ORGANIC4ORGANIC - Potentials and risks of organic manure and waste in the circularity of nutrient flows in organic agriculture at the farm and regional levelsConsortium2023-2024Fabrice Beline (SAS unit, Phase, Bretagne-Normandie)
PLANHEALTH 2.0 - Combining levers for the integrated management of soil, plants and animal health in organic production systems: Phase 2Consortium2023-2024Nathalie Moutier 
(Igepp unit, BAP, Bretagne-Normandie)

Actions started in 2022

Action nameAction typeDatesProject sponsor(s) 
(Research unit, scientific department, INRAE regional centre)
BEE FOR BIO - Determining selection objectives and beekeeping practices in OAExploratory project2022-2023

Florence Phocas 
(Gabi unit, GA, IdF-Jouy-en-Josas-Anthony)

Anne Lauvie
(Selmet unit, ACT, Occitanie-Montpellier)

SOURCEN - Exploring the natural capital resources of farms to feed and preserve the health of ruminants in organic agricultureExploratory project2022-2023

Anne Farruggia
(St-Laurent-de-la-Prée unit, ACT, Nouvelle Aquitaine-Poitiers)

Sandra Novak
(Ferlus unit, Agroecosystems, Nouvelle Aquitaine-Poitiers)

VEGETRUIES - Plants as alternatives to synthetic hormones for cycle synchronization in pig farmingExploratory project2022-2023

Ghylène Goudet et Philippe Chemineau
(PRC unit, Phase, Val de Loire)

The role of organic farming in maintaining bird populations in agroecosystems: a case study in the Zone Atelier Plaine & Val de Sèvre (ABBird)Thesis2022-2025

Audrey Bailly (CEBC unit, SPE, Nouvelle-Aquitaine-Poitiers)

Supervised by Jérôme Moreau et Sabrina Gaba

A global analysis based on the nitrogen cycle, changes in land use and greenhouse gas emissionsThesis2022-2025

Noélie Borghino (ISPA unit, Agroecosystems, Nouvelle Aquitaine-Bordeaux)

Supervised by Thomas Nesme et Chantal Le Mouël

Enhancing biodiversity through participatory multi-stakeholder guarantee systems: a lever for scaling up AB?Thesis2022-2025

Tara Dourian (LISIS unit, Ecosocio, IdF-Versailles-Saclay)

Supervised by Allison Loconto et Yuna Chiffoleau

Actions started in 2021

Action nameAction typeDatesProject sponsor(s) 
(Research unit, scientific department, INRAE regional centre)
CLINORG - What are the conditions for climate-neutral AB, in the context of a change of scale in Europe?Flagship project2021-2024Thomas Nesme
(ISPA unit, Agroecosystems, Nouvelle-Aquitaine-Bordeaux)
TYPOBIO - Agence Bio database: data made available to INRAE researchers and typology of French organic farmsKick-start project2021-2022Chantal Le Mouël
(Smart unit, Ecosocio, Bretagne-Normandie)
MULTIFUNK - Assessment of the multifunctionality of agroecosystems within the context of the spatial expansion of organic agricultureConsortium2021-2021

Adrien Rusch et Adeline Alonso-Ugaglia
(SAVE unit, SPE, Nouvelle Aquitaine-Bordeaux)

ORIGAMI - Organic pig farming: a contributor to the development of organic agriculture?Consortium2021-2022

Lucile Montagne et Justine Faure
(Pegase unit, Phase, Bretagne-Normandie)

PLANHEALTH - Combining levers for the integrated management of organic plant, animal and soil healthConsortium2021-2022Nathalie Moutier 
(Igepp unit, BAP, Bretagne-Normandie)
Diversity of feeding practices in organic pig production and consequences on the variability of product quality (Qualibio)Thesis2021-2024

Chloé van Baelen (Pegase unit, Phase, Bretagne-Normandie)

Supervised by Bénédicte Lebret et Lucile Montagne

Exposure to food contaminants during the perinatal period and allergies in childhoodThesis2021-2024

Manel Ghozal (CRESS unit, AlimH, IdF-Jouy-en-Josas-Anthony)

Supervised by Blandine de Lauzon-Guillain

Are local food circuits a godsend or a double whammy for farmers?Thesis2021-2024

Philippine Dupé (Innovation unit, ACT, Occitanie-Montpellier)

Supervised by Pierre Gasselin et Benoit Dedieu

Actions started in 2020

Action nameAction typeDatesProject sponsor(s) 
(Research unit, scientific department, INRAE regional centre)
BIODET - The diversity of the determinants of organic food supply in school canteens in primary schools: brakes and leversExploratory project2020-2022Emmanuel Raynaud
(Sad-Apt unit, ACT, IdF-Versailles-Saclay)
BIOSYLF - Livestock farming systems and the capability of producing cheese from organic milk: between farmers’ strategies, technological itineraries and cheese qualityExploratory project2020-2022

Thomas Puech
(ASTER unit, ACT, Grand Est-Nancy)

Eric Beuvier
(URTAL unit, Transform, Lyon-Grenoble Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes)

ECOSYAT - Concepts and learning initiatives focused on ecologisation at the scale of territorial agri-food systemsExploratory project2020-2022

Claire Lamine
(Ecodéveloppement unit, ACT, PACA)

Danièle Magda
(Agir unit, ACT, Occitanie-Toulouse)

ENTAIL - Development of the joint steering of animal health by organic livestock farmers and their veterinarians thanks to video ethnographyExploratory project2020-2022

Florence Beaugrand
(Bioepar unit, SA, Oniris Nantes)

Julie Duval
(Territoires unit, ACT, Lyon-Grenoble Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes)

INDIABIO - Meta-transition toward organic agriculture in two Indian states, Andhra Pradesh and SikkimExploratory project2020-2023

Claire Aubron
(Selmet unit, ACT, Occitanie-Montpellier)

LAPOESIE - Interspecific ecosystem benefits between rabbits and apple orchardsExploratory project2020-2022

Davi Savietto
(GenPhySE unit, Phase, Occitanie-Toulouse)

Stéphanie Drusch
(UERI Gotheron, SPE, PACA)

MICROVARIOR - Organic wines made from resistant grape varieties: analysis of the microbiota of grape berries and their potential for spontaneous fermentation in pesticide-free organic agricultureExploratory project2020-2022

Cécile Neuvéglise
(SPO unit, MICA, Occitanie-Montpellier)

Evelyne Aguera
(Pech Rouge unit, Transform, Occitanie-Montpellier)

PACON - Knowledge sharing through digital technology for the (re)design of organic farmsExploratory project2020-2022Kevin Morel
(SADAPT unit, ACT, IdF-Versailles-Saclay)
SELBIODOM - Development scenarios for organic farming in France’s overseas departments and regionsExploratory project2020-2022

Jean-Philippe Choisis
(Selmet unit, ACT, Antilles-Guyane)

Audrey Fanchone
(Zootechnie unit, GA, Antilles-Guyane)

AGRIBIOLEG - The impact of nitrogen resources on the potential of legume species, and their integration into agricultural systems at different scalesConsortium2020-2022Pietro Barbieri
(ISPA unit, Agroecosystems, Nouvelle Aquitaine-Bordeaux)
Could soil phosphorus availability limit AB production in a context of strong expansion?Thesis2020-2023

Joséphine Demay (ISPA unit, Agroecosystems, Nouvelle Aquitaine-Bordeaux)

Supervised by Sylvain Pellerin, Thomas Nesme et Bruno Ringeval

Understanding and predicting the evolution of wheat populations during 12 years of participatory selection. Effects of the environment, practices, kinship relationships and relationships between traitsThesis2020-2023

Michel Turbet-Delof (GQE unit, BAP, IdF-Versailles-Saclay)

Supervised by Isabelle Goldringer, Olivier David et Arnaud Gauffreteau

Previous actions

Action nameAction typeDatesProject sponsor(s) 
(Research unit, scientific department, INRAE regional centre)
Impact of the proportion of AB in the landscape on pesticide use in perennial crops: an approach based on analysis of datasets collected on large spatial and temporal scalesThesis2019- 2022

Lucas Etienne (UR PSH, Agroecosystems, PACA)

Supervised by Claire Lavigne, Pierre Franck et Adrien Rusch

What would be the effects of organic agriculture expansion on greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture?


Ulysse Gaudaré (ISPA unit, Agroecosystems, Nouvelle Aquitaine-Bordeaux)

Supervised by Thomas Nesme et Sylvain Pellerin